Tomorrow I’m getting on a plane, and I’m heading home. Back to the U.S. Back to the land of the free, home of the brave. Yet, away from Grenada, the little island I’ve called home for the past two years.
Even with all it’s little strange idiosyncrasies and $500 car rent, I’m sure going to miss this place.
I have a lot of mixed feelings about leaving Grenada, all of which I’m sure I’ll document once I process them a little bit. It’s incredibly overwhelming to move internationally, and surprisingly for such a frugal gal, I’ve booked two one way first class tickets home.
Flying first class doesn’t seem like the cheapest option, but it definitely was for us. Because we are moving our entire lives back to the States, we’re going to have three bags each to bring.
See the three options below that my husband and I considered:
Option 1:
Fly coach from Grenada to New Orleans and pay for extra luggage fees
Coach ticket
- $435 x 2 = $870
Baggage Fees:
- 1st bag is included in the price of the international ticket.
- 2nd Bag = $40 x 2 = $80
- 3rd Bag = $150 x 2 = $300
- Total for 6 bags = $380
Overweight Bag Fee:
- $100 per bag
- We might have 2 overweight bags (between 50 and 70 pounds), but we might be able to avoid this by leaving some heavy items behind.
- Thus, this could be between $0 and $200
Food/Drinks/Snacks in airport or plane
- Snacks + drinks = $15 x 2 = $30
- Again, we could potentially avoid this but it’d be difficult to make it from 7:00 am when we arrive at the airport until 5:30 when arrive in New Orleans without at least a snack.
Total Cost:
- $870 + $380 + $30 = $1280 (without overweight bags)
- $870 + $380 + $200 + $30 = $1480 (with overweight bags)
Option 2:
Fly first class from Grenada to New Orleans
Business/First Class Ticket:
- $570 x 2 = $1140
Baggage Fees:
- $0
- The first three bags for each of us are included in the price of our ticket.
Overweight baggage fee:
- $0
- We’re allowed up to 70 pounds in each bag.
- $0
- On the first flight, we’ll be served a full breakfast complete with drinks in the first class cabin. On the second flight, there will be both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and snacks served. So, there is no need to purchase drinks or snacks in the airport or on the plane.
- Unfortunately, since I’m preghetti with two meatballs (translation: pregnant with twins) I can’t partake in the free alcoholic drinks.
Other benefits:
- More legroom
- Better service
- Nicer seats
- Faster boarding and unloading the plane
- Luggage is priority tagged so it’s usually first out at baggage claim
- If anything goes awry during our travel, we tend to get treated better when we’re booked in business/first class.
Total Cost: $1140
Option 3:
Fly coach from Grenada to New Orleans and ship everything home
Coach ticket
- $435 x 2 = $870
Shipping Costs:
- Amerijet:
- 1 – 200 lb barrel:
- $535
Total Cost: $870 + $535 = $1405
The Winner?
Option #2 is the winner! I would have never even thought about booking a first class ticket, but my husband immediately pointed out the baggage fees and how we’d actually save money by flying first class. We’ve donated and given away so many things, but we still have a printer, a sewing machine, and tons of medical school textbooks to bring home, so we’ll definitely be filling three bags each.
To be honest, even with an international move and two first class tickets, it’ll still be one of the cheapest moves I’ve ever had. Sometimes even a moving truck costs more than $1,200 if you go far enough!
So, that’s what we’re doing tomorrow. Wish us luck, and until then, tell me about your best/worst flying experience because I know you have them!
That’s crazy the bag fees can add up so quickly! What’s even crazier is they’re getting less money from you and you get to fly first class. :) The only real bad flying experience I’ve had has been lost luggage or terrible weather knocking the plane all over the place. Have a safe flight back!
FrugalRules It’s definitely a neat trick, but all the credit goes to the hubs for figuring it out!
Have a safe trip Cat!!
PlungedinDebt Thanks Catherine! :D
Sorry you’ll miss the bubbly haha! have a safe trip home. Thanks for the reminder I may have to do that if I need to move all my stuff back someday. Don’t forget to rack up some miles! I am sure just with that flight you get a nice national flight or something.
RFIndependence My friend on our flight has already requested that I get it and just bring it back to him haha! And girl don’t you worry about the miles. I am on it! :)
Haha, “preghetti with two meatballs”. Nice. I love this rundown. Just goes to show that the conventional wisdom doesn’t always hold up and it makes sense to actually run the numbers. I’ve never flown first class before, so I’m a little jealous. Good luck!
Matt @ Mom and Dad Money Stole that from my friend Allison. Thought it was too funny lol. And thanks! It should be fun. :)
Makes sense! I would do the same thing. I hope that you have a great trip home and aren’t too sad!
Holly at ClubThrifty Thanks Holly. It’s totally bittersweet!
Interesting…I didn’t know there were different baggage rules for first class. I just thought they got to board first and more legroom, etc. Good thing you did the calculation…definitely seems like the best option. The toughest flights for me are the long flights…I flew from NYC to Hong Kong. 6 hours to LA and then 13 more hours to HK. I envied those in first class who could stretch their legs!
Andrew LivingRichCheaply Ah I know I’m saving up all my miles for a fancy long trip like that!
Good luck and have a safe, smooth flight! That’s so great your husband thought of the alternatives. I definitely wouldn’t have thought that first class would be cheaper or allow free bags. Awesome!
JourneytoSaving Me either. Glad I married that guy. :)
Good luck!! Flying first class is truly the way to go. Looking forward to hearing about your new adventures of repatriation. I can certainly relate!
BrokeMillennial Yes I’m sure I will def. write all about it! :)
I love when the most appealing option also makes the most sense financially! Have a safe trip!
brokeandbeau Thanks! Me too!
That is an interesting situation. I always pack so light, I’ll never be able to rationalize this kind of spend for myself unfortunately.
sunkcosts We usually pack light too but we’re moving so our whole lives are going in 6 bags.
That is great that flying first class is the best option. Have a safe trip!
SenseofCents Thanks Michelle!
How awesome that first class is the best option! I’ve never flown first class personally, but I love the prospect on flying first class for international flights. Good luck and have a great flight!
Erin My Alternate Life Thanks so much Erin!
That is really interesting, I too would have automatically X’d out the possibility of flying first-class. Have a safe trip and look forward to reading about your adventures back in the states!
KyleJames1 Ha I did the same thing. Credit goes to the hubs!
Wow! I’ve never seen that small a difference between first class and coach tickets. Whenever I look, first class tickets are always four or five times more expensive! And that’s why I’ve never bought a first class ticket :)
That’s terrific that you were able to find such a steal!
Debt BLAG Yes it’s happened once before to us on this whole journey. I lost count of how many times we’ve flown back and forth over the past few years but sometimes we get lucky. :)
Wow, you are really luck to get the best deal in town. If I have the same option, of course I will go for option 2. You save $300 dollar plus the worthless offer for comfort and convenient as a first class passenger.
MyDesire4 Thanks! We’re ready!
I thought you might say you’re flying first class because you’re a boss.
Have a great trip, and thanks for the reminder to look at total cost. Often we forget that add ons and ancillary expenses can make the cheap option more expensive, and the better option cheaper.
DonebyForty Bahahaha well, that too! ;)
That is pretty cool Cat! I never knew that you get 3 bags free when you fly first class. I have flown first class once in my life (flew from NYC to Switzerland) and it was amazing! Especially on a long flight because the seats reclined all the way in to beds! Safe travels!
ayoungpro That does sound so nice!!! Thanks!
Those are the cheapest first class tickets I have ever seen. Good for you guys for finding those, and not having to worry about those expensive luggage costs. Have a great trip! Will your dog be traveling with you too?
TacklingOurDebt They are one way tickets to NOLA during hurricane season so that’s why! Yes, she will be traveling with us! :)
Don’t you love it when the option that you want to take works out as being the best financially!! Enjoy your flight!!
moneystepper Totally! Thanks so much!
Makes a lot of sense when you list out the different options like you did. Have a great time on you trip.
StumbleForward Thanks a million!
I didn’t know a first class ticket existed for $500 something dollars anyways. I figured the minimum might be double what coach is. Not bad at all. Enjoy the ride!! I’m pretty sure I’ll never be lucky enough to fly first class.
PinkSunshine94 Thanks so much! It was cheaper because it was one way and flying into NOLA during hurricane season!
Whoo hooo! Enjoy your trip back in style.
Beachbudget Thanks Tonya!
My best flying experiences is when I travel with my grandmother. She’s pretty mobile but lists on her ticket that she requires special assistance. Sometimes that means we get golf carts to take us around the airport, sometimes it means we get to skip to the front of the lines at security and/or boarding, and sometimes that means we get extra leg room at the front of the plane! It’s pretty great. Still haven’t ever flown first class though. Best of luck on your move back!
Makes totally sense, and was very smart of your to consider. I’ve never flown first class, so I wouldn’t haven even thought of that as an option. Safe travels, or welcome home, since I’m reading this a day late!