What do you guys think? Should I do a similar setup in my basement? :P
Welcome to the Weekly Quick Hits Roundup! Every week I write a weekly wrap-up of things that were going on here at Young Adult Money, a few personal updates/thoughts, and finally a few posts I read this week that I thought were worth sharing.
We also have our giveaway roundup every Friday. This Friday there are over 100 giveaways listed that end today through next Thursday.
Below are the posts from Monday through Thursday:
- On Monday Victoria wrote about Things You Should Consider Before Getting a Pet. We planned on getting a dog by now, but have since reconsidered for various reasons. Head on over and let us know what you take into consideration before taking on the responsibility of a pet.
- On Tuesday I wrote about Using Real Estate for Income. This was the third post in our “building wealth” series, and I think real estate can be a great way to build wealth long-term, though there are definitely negatives that I brought up in the post as well.
- On Wednesday our staff writer Cat asked How Much Financial Information Should You Share?. How much you should or shouldn’t share about your personal finances is definitely a gray area without one clear answer.
- Thursday I discussed How Cost of Living Impacts Finances and Lifestyle It’s crazy how much housing/rent can vary from one city to another.
I have a couple of updates to share:
- Makin’ $! – Okay, it’s not much, but I have recently started to list some of our giveaway winnings on Craigslist to make some side cash. This definitely is not my most lucrative side hustle, but it’s nice to start turning some of the winnings into cold, hard, cash. Of course, I’m still far away from the $700 in Home Depot store credit my wife won between two big wins. I may never catch her but I definitely hope to win something big. Perhaps a vacation?? I can dream!
- Site Redesign – I finally picked a designer for my site, and now am in the process of going through the contract to make sure it includes everything I want. It was definitely a difficult (and painful) choice because I was confident that all four of the talented designers I had to choose from would get the job done.
Any blogs whose design you really like? Any features you think a redesign should include? I appreciate ANY AND ALL feedback.
- Weekend – After a busy weekend last weekend spending a lot of time with friends, I have a relatively laid back weekend. I would love to get ahead on the site for next week, but I also have some projects in the yard that I’ve put off. The Summer got busy quick and I haven’t had much time to work on them. Our renter also moves out next week so I have a few things I need to get done in the space before the next one moves in. Looks like I have some work to do!
Finally, here are five posts that I really enjoyed from this week:
- Sicorra from Tackling Our Debt wrote about real estate in Curb Appeal – How to Sell Your Home Fast.
- Laurie from The Frugal Farmer wrote about Debt and Psychology in The Most Dangerous Roadblock to Your Debt Freedom.
- Lindsey from Sense & Sensibility makes an announcement in New Blog Name – Everything Else Same Same.
- Glen from Monster Piggy Bank talks about pets in How Much Does a Dog Cost?.
- KRANTCENTS talks about entrepreneurship in Some Things Get Better with Age!.
How was your week? What are your plans for the weekend? Any recommendations of things for me to include in my new website design? Should I outfit my basement with a poker table?
Photo by slgckgc
Yes…by all means, go with the poker table. Love it!
Brian @ Luke1428 I’m seriously considering it! The wife already approved putting a poker table downstairs :P
Don’t have much advice on the redesign but I might be reaching out to you for advice. Good luck!
Matt @ Mom and Dad Money I’m always willing to (try) to help others, I don’t pretend to be an expert but if you ever have questions about my experience with redesign or anything really let me know. So far picking a designer has been agonizing, we’ll see how the actual development and implementation stage goes.
Man you HAVE to get that poker table!
SavvyScot Haha or something similar at least!
Thanks for the shout out DC :)
If you get that poker table I think you are hosting annual personal finance blogger poker games at your place.
MonsterPiggyBank It actually would be pretty sweet if we could get something going like that. Obviously would probably have to be online, though, since we are all over the world. Too bad Pokerstars shut down in the US or we could have a “home game” set up for pf bloggers!
I like clean and simple for a design, it is more your call to check what you really like on other sites and put it on yours, but the less the better imo
RFIndependence That’s a good point. There are some very “crammed” designs. I think I’m taking this whole redesign too seriously. I’m agonizing over each step of the process!
I really liked your article on what to consider before getting a pet. I love my dog but being a dog owner can be costly and time consuming!
Monicaonmoney Thanks, my wife wrote that post! Our elderly cat is enough work for us right now, tho we would like a dog eventually.
Thanks for the mention, DC, I appreciate it! I’m excited to see the new blog design. LOL, love the poker table room, although I’d prefer the in-home theater. :-)
Laurie TheFrugalFarmer Why does it have to be either-or? How about BOTH?!? haha but no problem on the mention and I’m antsy about the design as well.
Thanks for the links, I am in good company.
krantcents1 No problem!
If you’re building a room like that in your basement, I’d be tempted to fly up for a visit.
Jeremy Sarber Haha I have been cleared to put a poker table in our basement and make it a hang-out space. Now it’s just a matter of making it happen : )
Cool, can’t wait to see the new site redesign.
momoneymohouses Thanks! I definitely can’t wait to get the site redesigned. Tho I’m a perfectionist and I’m starting to become worried I will never have a design I am 100% happy with.
Wouldn’t it be lovely to have a room like that with the nice table and all. Save up your giveaway winnings and go for it. I wonder how much they are. I’d love to win a vacation too. Love the pic of the cruise ship on your giveaway post. Thanks very much for the mention and hope your weekend goes well :-)
TacklingOurDebt Unfortunately I think the giveaway winnings are already spoken for – future vacation, debt paydown, emergency fund…
I plan on sleeping this weekend. This is the first one that we have had with nothing on the books. I am excited about it.
DebtRoundUp That does sound exciting!
I’m the worst poker player. I can’t bluff worth a darn! :) We had a pool table in the basement growing up and sadly I wasn’t very good at that either. !This summer has just flown by and I can’t believe we’re heading into August next week! Have a great weekend
Tanya@The Heavy Purse Yeah it feels like Summer just started. Even if you can’t bluff you can still do pretty good at poker, just can’t make facial expressions that give away your hand haha. Hope you have a great weekend as well!
I can’t get the thought of a site redesign out of my head, it’ll be interesting to see what you come up with!
MoneyBulldog Yeah I’m in the same boat, I just can’t stop thinking about the redesign.
My dad had a pool table that color in the basement. He hardly ever played pool after we got it. Maybe not so fun if you can do it every day? I think my mom uses it to store her Crristmas wrapping stuff on now.