Sick of giveaways yet? I hope not because today I have yet another cash giveaway! This time we have $500 up for grabs.

If you haven’t entered the previous giveaways that started this week, enter the $100 cash giveaway here and the $999.99 cash giveaway here.
The theme of this giveaway is saving money shopping. I have been a fan of for a while now and one of their recent tips helped me save $20 through the use of an online coupon code. While this isn’t a ton of money, over time these sorts of savings can really start to add up.
The tip:Google for coupon codes before checking out at an online retailer.
As some of you know, my wife and I are heading on vacation in just a couple days now. When I booked the hotel for our first night in Tampa on, I was just about to check out when I remembered: Check for a coupon code before checking out. I quickly found a 10% off coupon code and saved $20 off of the $200 bill.
Checking for coupon codes does not take a lot of time. There are tons of blogs that post coupon codes, so if there are coupon codes out there you will most likely find them through a quick Google search.
Another tip: If you want to save even more money from online retailers, check out Rather-Be-Shopping’s free shipping coupon page.
What tips do you have for saving money online? Do you use coupon codes?
This giveaway ends on February 28th. Simply enter via the rafflecopter giveaway below:
It really doesn’t take long to go looking for coupons. Glad you were able to save 10%. Imagine if you could do that on all your purchases.
@MonsterPiggyBank I know, that would be awesome!
Wow! You guys did all 3 giveaways this week! Good work.
Congrats on saving 10%! Have a great vacation! We are heading out for ours on Monday morning:) Glad to be co-hosting this one with you as well.
Good work saving the money! I do that all the time as well. More often than not you can find some sort of code for a certain percentage off or for free shipping. I hate paying for shipping so I am always happy to get those deals.
I always check for discount codes before buying online. 90% of the time there is one and it only takes a minute to find. Glad to be co-hosting the giveaway with you.
Good tip! Even the most obscure online stores have coupons available if you’ll spend the 30 seconds to search for one. Pretty good $$ return on your time. Thanks for participating in this!
You’re right. While the $20 might not seem like much, if you do it 10 times that’s $200. I’d rather keep that money and use it for something else.
Good tip about looking for coupons online. I always forget to do that until it is too late.
You can never have to many giveaways. Too bad we can’t enter them all. I’m really liking Rather Be Shopping as well. It’s a great resource.
If you are not searching for coupons before you buy online, then you could be overpaying.