Well this is the third time in a row that I posted on a Saturday. Looks like there is no going back now!
Welcome to the weekly Saturday “Quick Hits and Weekend Reading” post.
Quick Hits
Time for another update about the the Yakezie challenge. I started with an Alexa (global website rank) of 1,178,184 on August 18th with a goal to get in the top 200,000 by mid-February, 2013. As of this writing I’m at 465,967 with a goal of getting under 400,000 by the end of September.
My wife started a four-part weekly series on ways to be healthy without breaking your budget this week with a post on Thursday titled Ways to Eat Healthy on a Budget. Definitely excited for the rest of her posts. The second post in this series will be posted on Thursday.
Surgery on deck for Tuesday…here’s to everything going as planned and a quick recovery.
Weekend Reading
Here’s some great posts from this week. Enjoy!
Lance at Money Life & More has what could be the first Christmas post in Six Ways to Make Christmas Shopping Easier
Congrats to Peter at Bible Money Matters who won a plutus award on Thursday night
Jeremy at Modest Money shares 5 Frugal Tips To Get You Through Hardship
Jefferson at See Debt Run discusses The Cost of Pet Ownership
Holly at Club Thrifty shares A Cautionary Tale: My $140 Gym Visit
Making Sense of Cents gives us the Top 5 Ways to Make Money Online
Kristina at DINKs Finance suggests you take a “No Kids Allowed” Vacation
Average Joe asks So You Want to Manage Your Own Money?
Carol at Christian PF shares 6 Ways To Get Exercise For Less
Amanda at My Journey to Millions gives some advice for newlyweds in Newlywed’s Beginning Guide to Finances
Kim at Eyes on the Dollar discusses store credit cards in Use Credit Cards to Get Free Clothes
Robert at The College Investor talks about How 5 Top Bloggers Made The Financial Jump To Self Employment
SB at One Cent at a Time helps you save money with 101 Frugal, Low-Cost and Romantic Ideas for Anniversary
Tightwad Tales consolidated her loans…sort of….in Consolidating my Loans
Squirrelers gives a different take on “work from anywhere” in Traveling and Location Independence are Overrated
Scott at One Smart Dollar discusses the True Cost of a Speeding Ticket
Money Beagle discusses how they will be Watching The NFL In A Whole New Way
My Credit Card War continued their war on their credit card debt in Mini Jackpot #13
And there you have it, another week in the books! I hope you all have a great weekend, looking forward to talking to you on here or on Twitter and Facebook.
Oh, and with the NFL season starting up…SKOL Vikings!
It could have been the first Christmas post except I wrote one back in May that Christmas was 7 months away :) Thanks for the mention!
@Money Life and More Haha oh man, Christmas post in May?? Wow!
Yah… I tried to get people to start saving ahead of time… don’t know if it worked or not.@DC @ Young Adult Money
@Money Life and More It sounds like a good idea but I’m sure everyone will be scrambling to find cash for gifts when Thanksgiving rolls around.
Thanks for the mention!!.. Your Alexa is sinking like a stone, brother. :)
@seedebtrun No problem, and thanks for all your support so far!
Thanks for the mention! And congrats on you ranking! I hope I can drop as fast!
@DebtKiller No problem, and thank you!
Thanks for the mention. Have you joined any Yakezie teams? How do you find out about things like that?
@Eyesonthedollar No problem. Yes I joined Team 7, I found out about it on the forums.
Thanks for the mention DC. Sorry to hear that you’re a Vikings fan ;)
@Modest Money Haha I was very happy that the Vikings won today, it was almost hard to believe!
Thanks a lot for the mention of our article. Your surgery will go just fine. Keep us updated.
@OneSmartDollar No problem, and thanks, I am definitely ready to get the surgery over with.
Thank you for the mention! Glad you liked the guest post
Woohoo, I’m featured! The link is outdated, but either way I’m flattered…thanks! Looking forward to reading the other posts.