Time for another $100 CASH giveaway! As usual, enter via the rafflecopter below. The giveaway will run from February 4th to the 15th.
The theme of this giveaway is Valentine’s Day Gift (officially it was a different theme, but my unofficial theme sounds better so I’m going with it). Granted, the giveaway ends the day after Valentine’s Day, so unfortunately if you win you can’t actually use it on your Valentine’s Day date, but maybe you can just spend the winnings on yourself instead? Not that anyone would do that ;)
As some of you know, I have been married for almost a year and a half now. Over the years of dating and marriage, I have learned a thing or two about buying a gift for my loved one.
Put some thought into it
What I mean by put some thought into your gift is that you should think about who you are buying a gift for versus what marketers tell you (There must be billions spent each year on marketing Valentine’s Day gifts). Red roses are a Valentine’s Day staple, and many, many, many people would be happy to receive them. My wife, on the other hand, doesn’t like red roses. She likes daisy’s. She also doesn’t like getting flowers on Valentine’s Day. She’d rather be surprised by them on a random day of the year.
Obviously listening to your significant other throughout the year is going to benefit you. My wife drops hints of things she wants or places she would like to go out to eat at. She has difficulty spending money on herself, so it’s up to me to plan a date or to get her those things for her birthday, our anniversary, or some other special occasion. It also is sometimes fun when she thinks I’m not listening to her hints and then is surprised when I follow through and take her to this or that restaurant, get her something she won’t buy herself, etc.
Keep an eye out for deals
I don’t know about you, but I get a couple of emails a day from sites that track deals that are going on. Granted, you shouldn’t get a deal just to get a deal, but if it’s something that you and your significant other would enjoy I would say go for it. I’ve gotten various restaurant deals (i.e. Pay $10 get a $20 gift card to x Restaurant), movie tickets, etc. just by keeping my eye out for these offers. It can make for a fun, inexpensive date that otherwise would have cost more money. That allows you to go on more dates, which is definitely a good thing (and if it’s not, I suggest you re-evaluate your relationship!).
Ultimately, getting a Valentine’s Day (or any day) gift for your loved one is more about their personal preferences than anything else. Some gifts you just won’t find them on a deal site, ever. Some gifts are all about timing, such as giving my wife flowers on a random day instead of Valentine’s Day.
What tips do you have when it comes to buying gifts for a significant other or loved one?
If you want to enter $100 cash giveaway, enter via the rafflecopter widget below. Best of luck!
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Photo by vmiramontes
I always look for deals (like getting flowers much cheaper at Costco) and for things that are unique that my wife enjoys. My wife is the same way as well in terms of flowers, she likes getting them on random days.
@FrugalRules I just might have to get my wife some flowers in March or April instead of Valentine’s Day : ) If I was smart I would have gotten her some in January.
I think i stared at that cup cake for about 2 minutes before I read your post. Either I’m really sleep deprived and just blacked out, or I really want a cup cake.
I can’t decide which…
Great to be co hosting with you again DC :)
@MonsterPiggyBank I know, that cupcake looks delicious!
It’s been so long since I’ve been in a relationship I don’t even remember. I do remember getting flowers, which happens so rarely in my life I always enjoy it!
@Beachbudget Yeah it pretty much is limited to significant others…if you get a girl who you are “just friends with” flowers either your significant other gets upset or the girl wonders what your intentions are!
Hmm gifts: Probably the 3rd edition copy of Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations, printed while he was still alive.
Given? I donno, possibly the half of lamb.
@Ugifter Book collector?
We don’t do a whole lot for Valentine’s Day other than make cards for our kindergartener’s class. It went from a romantic holiday to more of a Charlie Brown, candy and silliness holiday. We might go out to eat, but will go before of after to avoid the crowds.
@Eyesonthedollar Hey, I wouldn’t mind it being a more fun/silly holiday. No pressure then to have some amazing romantic day/night planned.
We aren’t really buying for each this year because we are going to be on vacation!
@Holly at ClubThrifty So will we : )
The wife and I put a budget on the gift and then try to exchange ideas. We are not big V day people, so it is relatively easy.
@DebtRoundUp Same thing here. Budget, and not big on V day.
The best gift I ever received was definitely earrings my husband gave me. I think the best gift I gave was a wii to my mom to help her alleviate her stress after work. I think it helped!
@slicain Very nice! I have only bought my wife her engagement ring. I should really get her some jewelry sometime.
We spend time together, cook a meal together, bake something together and go shopping or for a drive to get a hot chocolate, write a poem, or make something unique for each other. My wife enjoys how there is no big surprises that are stressful to shop for, rather its like a date where we do things together. Each year it changes but we don’t break the bank, we enjoy the simple life and by a simple I’m in love with you and a kiss is the best gift ever.
@CanadianBudgetB Dang, you guys are really in love : ) haha seriously that was an awesome comment. We need to structure our Valentine’s Day like that in the future – just a nice date to take time out for each other.
The good news is that I am totally ready for Vday considering all thee posts today. Thanks for the heads up!
@Tony@YouOnlyDoThisOnce Haha good point.
I leave open pages on my computer screen of things that I like so that bf knows what to buy. Is that cheating?
@StudentDebtSurvivor That sounds smart!
We don’t really exchange gifts, but we’re going away to a bed and breakfast the weekend before, and I’ll probably bake something nice the day itself. And the next day, when everything’s on sale, I get to buy (myself!) a huge chocolate-shaped box of candies!
The best gift I’ve ever received was handbag and the best gift I’ve ever given was watch.
The section on the rafflecopter where you are to subscribe to the Blogging Away Debt RSS is a bad link.
The best gift I ever received was when my son was born. The best gift I have ever given is a slide for my 2 year old grandson. He Loves it!
Nice.. very nice gifts edition…. Go 4 more.. n Happy Valentines Day 2013.. http://happyvalentinesday.in/