At least Minnesota has one football team that doesn’t suck – Go Gophers!
Welcome to the Weekly Quick Hits Roundup! Every week I write a weekly wrap-up of things that were going on here at Young Adult Money, a few personal updates/thoughts, and finally a few posts I read this week that I thought were worth sharing.
We also have our giveaway roundup every Friday. This Friday there are 100 giveaways listed this week that end today (11/01) through next Thursday (11/07).
Below are the posts we published this week:
- On Monday I wrote about How to improve your career-related skills and keep them relevant. Whether you are an employee, self-employed, or a small business owner, it’s important to keep your skills up-to-date.
- On Tuesday Sally shared Four Useful Resume Tips. I haven’t updated my resume (or LinkedIn for that matter) for quite some time, but when I do update it I’ll take some of Sally’s tips into consideration.
- On Tuesday Victoria talks weddings in How to Help Your Wedding Party Save Money + a Giveaway. Being in a wedding party is an honor, but can be expensive. Hopefully more brides and grooms will take this into consideration.
- On Wednesday Cat explained How To Save Money Every Day, All the Time. Can you guess what her secret is??
- On Thursday we had a guest post from Kalie at Common Sense Millennial. She talked about How Eating Healthy Can Reduce Your Grocery Bill and Save You Money.
Update Time
- Fall turns into Winter – It seems like both Summer and Fall flew by. Once November comes around in Minnesota, you have to start bracing yourself for snow. When I was younger there was even a massive blizzard on Halloween. We’re talking two-plus feet of snow for trick or treating. Can you believe that?
Now that I’ve owned a home for over a year I’m starting to realize just how much work it is to maintain a yard. I’m frantically trying to get everything ready outside as quickly as possible so that in the Spring I will have less work. Not sure I will be able to get much more done this year unless the snow holds off.
- Getting better at prioritizing – Recently I’ve been trying to prioritize things better. While I’d say I’m already fairly good at prioritizing how I spend my time, there is always room for improvement. In particular I’m being more critical of the things I spend my time on.
I’m interested to hear: Have you dealt with having too much on your plate? How did you go about prioritizing everything?
- Weekend – This weekend we are getting together with our friends who we haven’t seen for what seems like months. Their kid recently said “I miss Victoria and DC” *in 2 year-old voice*. It will be nice to spend some time with them. I just realized I have no plans Friday night or Sunday which is AWESOME because this has been a long, busy week.
Posts of the Week:
If you want to see your post included in this roundup, comment on posts on Young Adult Money throughout the week – that’s where I find blogs/posts to include.
- Romona from MonaSez talked about Debt Free Living:I’m Cutting $4258 in Personal Costs.
- “Micro” from Micro’s Mission shared a useful tip in Ice pack vs Heating pad: Knowing the tools of the trade for injury maintanence. I seriously never knew the difference – this is useful stuff!
- Pauline from Money Your Way explained how to Make money renting your car or vehicle
- Kim from Eyes on the Dollar shared the Top Five Ways To Make Sure You Never Retire Early.
- Brian from Luke 14:28 talks relationships and money in Ending the Money Fights (Part II): Relationships Blossom When Couples Budget.
What are you up to this weekend? Excited for Winter? Just kidding, but are you excited for Thanksgiving (if you are an American)? Anything new and exciting happening in your life?
Photo by Michael Hicks
Being a K-Stater in Nebraska, it was freaking awesome to see Minnesota beat NU. They still haven’t grasped that they’re not world beaters anymore. I hear you on the prioritizing – my plate is pretty maxed out as it is right now. That’s part of the reason why I hired a VA. That said, I have a running list of what I have to get done and just go in order of importance. We might actually get to relax a bit this weekend, but we’ll see. Have a great weekend DC!
FrugalRules The Nebraska win was HUGE for us. We went something like 50+ years without beating them. Really happy with the work Jerry Kill has done, praying his health problems get worked out and he can return as active head coach.
I may email you about getting a VA. I would like to get one but would be more comfortable running a few questions by people I trust who have hired one.
I hope you do find time to relax, you deserve it!
DC @ Young Adult Money FrugalRules I know. It was as huge for Minnesota as it was bad for Nebraska. It just meant that the chorus to fire Pelini got a little bid louder.
Feel free to shoot me an email about hiring a VA. I feel like I lucked out a bit with mine, but it’s definitely a process you want to do carefully. I actually have a post going up about it here in the next few weeks.
FrugalRules Yeah Nebraska’s main sport/team is Nebraska football so the coach always has a ton of pressure to succeed. When you start losing to teams you haven’t lost to in two generations you run into problems.
Thanks John, I appreciate it. I might try to put it off as long as I can but it’s definitely a step I need to take. I’m looking forward to your post and will likely read and re-read it. Love hearing about how to improve my site while also freeing up time.
Prioritizing is definitely a challenge for me because I think I can do more than I can. The fact of the matter is that there’s not enough hours in the day. So I’ve been trying to designate certain days to do certain things and it’s working out ok. Thanks for the mention!
MonaSez I also think I can do WAY more than I can or should. I may have to give your tip a try and see if I can assign things to certain days. It might make sense to set aside “relaxing” or “non-work” time, as I’m terrible at that.
I am always excited for winter, but that is because NC has a mild winter and I love that temperature range. This fall was getting cold, but is now back up in the 70’s. Perfect Jeep driving weather.
DebtRoundUp Haha 70s unbelievable! It’s high 40s here and it feels warm ;)
It got really cold very suddenly last week, but today it feels muggy out and kind of warm. I just want consistent weather, even if that means the cold. This weekend I’m going upstate for a birthday party and I get to meet my cousin’s baby! I am getting excited about Thanksgiving as I think I will be able to take a road trip down to visit my parents. Not thrilled about driving 24 hours in 4 days, but family is worth it. How’s that for prioritizing? =)
JourneytoSaving 24 hours in 4 days is tough, but like you said you gotta pick your priorities. I also want consistent weather. The changing weather patterns are terrible for allergies. Have fun at the bday party and meeting the baby!
Thanks for the mention here DC! We are still in the midst of fall here in GA so the leaves are in full color. Going to do something outdoors this weekend, maybe go hiking on Saturday with the family.
Brian @ Luke1428 No problem, Brian! Surprisingly this weekend should hit high 40s/low 50s so I will probably try to get some last-minute work done outside before the winter. I just have to keep telling myself it will make the Spring easier. Hope you have fun hiking this weekend!
Thank you for the mention. You get winter really soon. I was in Seattle once in June and it was still really cold, with snow in the mountains, I thought I would have a really hard time with such little sun.
My way to deal with being overwhelmed: avoidance. lol. not good at all but you are not superman so tackle one thing and keep moving, before you know it, you’ll be done.
RFIndependence No problem on the mention. It snowed here last May! A legit few inches. Last winter from first snowfall to last was something like 8 months. We have brutal winters and sometimes we have very mild winters. I’m hoping for a mild one this year.
I’m always amazed at how much I get done when I put my head down and just try to go through my to do list. The more focused I am on the task the faster it gets done. Funny how that works ;)
We got a touch of snow on Tuesday night, but luckily it was clear, although a bit cold, for trick or treating. You can always just pull for the Broncos if you need an NFL team to root for. Thanks for the mention.
Eyesonthedollar It’s always a bit chilly here for Halloween, but thankfully there are random bursts of warmer air. This weekend is supposed to be somewhat nice, with a high of 50 one day. I have trouble cheering for anyone other than the Vikings, even if they are 1-7!
I’m actually dealing with some reogranization of priorities right now. I have some new ideas for where I want to take my blog and potentially some other projects, and those would require me to spend my time a little differently. It takes me out of my comfort zone, which I’m not great at, but I think you have to do that if you want to improve.
Matt @ Mom and Dad Money Exact same thing I’m going through. I’m committed to starting the second site, even though I doubt I will be able to put a lot of time towards it (nothing like YAM). It’s important to at least get the site off the ground, though, so that it gets indexed by Google. Looking forward to seeing where you go with your site.
Not sure I can comment here anymore as the Gophers beat down my Cornhuskers last week! Ouch!! Have a great weekend!
KyleJames1 Haha did not know you were a Nebraska fan! Last weekend was a great weekend to be a Gophers fan!
Thanks for the mention along with the Doctor Evil style quotations. I have to say I miss Wisconsin dearly at times (mainly because of friends and family). I don’t miss how short fall always was. It’s by far my favorite season and it seems you blink and snow is whipping you in the face.
MicrosMissions Haha I realized I didn’t know your name, nor do you list anything besides Micro on your website ;) So true about blinking and seeing snow. We’ve had a couple dustings but thankfully nothing that will stay on the ground.
This year went by faster than ever. I was at starbucks drive through and they switched their cups to holiday season cups already. 2014 is just around the corner. Goodness gracious…
Gophers win AGAIN on Saturday!!! Too bad about the Vikings not being able to pull a win out in Dallas though….looks like I need to become a bigger college football fan for the immediate future. :)
When I feel like there is just too much on my plate, I always use the 3 minute rule. Basically, if you can accomplish any task in 3 minutes or less, then do it RIGHT NOW! It’s amazing how much you can get done.