Welcome to the weekly Friday giveaway roundup! Every single Friday we post giveaways ending within the next week. If you want to make sure you never miss one of these posts be sure to subscribe via RSS or Email.
Happy Friday everyone!
I hope you had a great week. We had quite an interesting weekend last weekend…I’ll let you read in the random updates section. First, here are our posts from this week:
- I kicked off the week with 4 Things I would be more interested in if I was Wealthy. It was interesting to hear what other people would be more interested in if they were wealthy. My favorite part of this post was choosing what pics to use (hint: Bugatti!).
- Next I went with a career-related post, Qualities Every Employer is Looking for in an Employee. I am intrigued by careers, small business, and wealth accumulation in general. Working in corporate America I am much more exposed to the employee-side of things, so this post was based off of some of my observations (as well as things others have told me over the years).
- Our staff writer, Cat, wrote about How To Deal With People Who Flash Their Money. I think she has great tips on how to deal with these people, but even worse in my opinion is dealing with people who are subtle about their money “brags.” Perhaps a topic for another post?
- Stressed out but on a budget? My Thursday post, 5 Ways to Relieve Stress on a Budget, gives ideas of ways to relieve stress in free or nearly-free ways.
Random updates:
- We got our plumbing bills paid for by the city! We got the check in the mail on Friday and deposited it the same day. If you don’t know about our plumbing issues, the moral of the story is ALWAYS check Angie’s List before hiring anyone. Signing up for Angie’s List is cheap and will be the best investment you ever make as a homeowner. In the end it literally saved us $7,000 and even resulted in us being compensated by the city for all our plumbing bills. Also had someone email me who has a similar sewer issue – I was happy to email him back because I know what it’s like to be in their spot.
- Ironically the same day we got our check in the mail from the city we had one of the worst storms in Minnesota that I can remember. It resulted in the storm drains not being able to handle all the water and…our storm drain essentially failed because it couldn’t drain into the main drain fast enough. The result? Water got into both our basement and our neighbor’s basement. Thankfully we were home and have a sump pump (and didn’t lose electricity!) so we were able to clean it up quick once the water started to actually drain outside. I can’t imagine the damage that could have been done if we were out of town and had a finished basement. I’ve heard countless stories the past week about people who have had this happen (it actually happened to my parents when I was younger…).
I talked to both our insurance agent so I could understand our coverage better as well as the city engineer who is checking the system to see where upgrades may be needed or what was causing some of the failures. It’s great to know we have a proactive person at public works leading the project.
- Our renter is moving out end of July, which would be bad news due to potential lost income except for the fact that we found a new renter and the lease is signed! We are excited about this, as well as the fact that we negotiated a two-week period before they move in so that we can do some work. Additionally I’m excited to work with our friend’s Dad, who is a contractor, on a list of “to dos” that I definitely would not be able to conquer myself. I also have a ton of projects for outside (retaining wall, fence, garden…) that I hope to tackle before the end of the Summer. It’s been crazy owning a house but definitely a lot of fun.
This weekend I’m heading up north, but only for one day and one night. Every Summer my parents rent a cabin the week of the fourth, but it just so happens to coincide with quarter close for my company. Because of this I just can’t take off work. I will also be going to the grad party of one of the ushers from my wedding (yes, high school graduation!). When I was in college I led a small group at church he was one of the guys in it (wow…six years ago. Time flies.), and we just love his family. Can’t wait to see them all.
I am always interested to hear about what your plans are this weekend?
On to the giveaways!
First, enter my current giveaway:
No Giveaways :( But the good news is: We have a big giveaway launching on Monday – a CASH giveaway sponsored by a bunch of bloggers!
Next check out the 127 giveaways that are ending from 6/28 to 7/4. Good luck!
All Giveaways Have Ended
Good luck on all the giveaways and I hope you all have a great weekend!
Photo by John Paul Rodriguez
Glad to hear that you got your plumbing bills taken care of by the city, I bet that is a huge weight off your shoulders. I am still busy trying to play catch up from being gone most of the week and hope to get some work done in the yard this weekend.
FrugalRules It really is a weight off my shoulders for sure! Crazy how hard it is to catch up, isn’t it?
Wow sorry to hear about the storm, glad you guys were prepared. We have a small power generator as the power is often out, but generally no more than 2 hours at a time. Awesome the sewage was paid by the council and you have a new tenant, sounds like a good month!
RFIndependence Yes all in all it really was a good month!
Glad to hear the storm damage wasn’t too bad. I’ve never used Angie’s list, but I also don’t own a home. What have your typically used it for?
Matt @ Mom and Dad Money I’ve only had it a couple months, but I’ve used it for plumbers and our vet.
Thank you for sharing my giveaway on Shane’s Killer Cupcakes!
ShaneRussell No problem : )
Enjoy your brief getaway, and I hope you have good weather too :-)
TacklingOurDebtThanks :) Even though it is a short trip it should still be fun.
That’s fantastic the city paid for your plumbing problems! Woo-hoo! Have a great weekend and looking forward to being part of the giveaway on Monday. :)
TheHeavyPurseThanks! I’m looking forward to our Monday giveaway as well!
It’s great that you were able to turn around the rental so quickly. Hope you don’t have too much work to do. I always find more to do than what I thought once I get in there. Enjoy the weekend!
Luke_1428I have the same proble, but mainly everything always seems to take longer than I plan for. I do have a contractor helping out so that should really make it a much smoother process.
Glad you found a renter! Have fun at the cabin! My plans are to play beach volleyball all weekend. So happy to be back doing that!
Beachbudget Thanks, hope you have a great time playing beach volleyball!